
The following page aims to introduce you to the code of Techy. How it works and how it could be develop.


The entry point of the module is lib/index.js. There is one main class called Techy which is exported. By default the class is immediately invoked by the following code:

if(!module.parent) {
    Techy(false, false, function() {

There are few functions which are run one after each other in the following sequence:

There is a lib/Factory.js file. That's the file which contains the Gulp task which process the Markdowns. processFile function inside it is the one which accepts every of the files. An instance of lib/Page.js class is created per Markdown. All the pages need to know about each other so there is a function getInfo which perform a quick reading of the available pages. So, in practice Techy process every file twice. The first time is just to get the defined variables inside and second time to generate the HTML file.

Defining build-in page methods

As we know there are some functions which we may use. Like for example <% page('somepage').get('name') %>. In order to define our own methods we should:

Editing default CSS

Techy by default uses plain CSS. It is in lib/themes/default/_css.

Editing default JavaScript

It is in lib/themes/default/_js.

Create your own theme

Just create a new directory in lib/themes. There should be four sub-folders - _css, _js, public, _tpl. Just use the default theme as a starting point.

Running tests

The tests are written in Mocha. Just go to the main repository folder and run:

mocha ./tests

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